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Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Enga

This paper provides the theoretical background for a study of student learning, engagement and colla
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The Art (and Science) of Using Praise for Improvem

Praise is a powerful expression of gratitude that can nurture relationships, improve well-being, and
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How To Make Assignment Within A Moment

People In different age groups have different ways of studying. The skill of time management is most
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60-Second Strategy: Math Partners

When kids explain their mathematical thinking to their peers, they learn there’s more to math than j
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Our world is at a turning point. The challenges facing our societies today are radical. Issues such
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A Financial Literacy Project Focused on the Future

A new project I developed helps high school students tackle that question by grounding it in financi
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8 Effective Ways To Get Motivated To Do Homework

It is no secret that many students know that feeling when you need to do your homework as soon as po
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